ASBA 2024 - Clair Gaston - Explore Using Water Soluble Pencils for Intensity and Impact
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We will have all the supplies you may need for your classes. If you would like to place a pre-order for pick-up at the conference, you may order directly online or by phone. Your pre-order must be placed prior to October 10. If you would like to preorder your supplies and pick them up at the conference we are happy to offer that service! Please use promo code : ASBA2024 to alert us that your order is for pick up at the conference. You will not be charged shipping as your order will not be shipped to you. Instead on the first day of the conference you can pick up your preorder in our onsite store!
Please add the sku to the right to your order if you would like to pick up at the ASBA 2024 Conference.
Explore Using Water Soluble Pencils for Intensity and Impact with Clair Gaston
The world of graphite continues to expand! This workshop explores a variety of applications with traditional pencils as well as with new graphite media, including water-soluble graphite, graphite dust, liquid graphite and interesting papers/surfaces! Using Fall botanicals as subjects, learn how to create deep ranges of tonal values; white or light veins and hairs on dark petals and leaves; large areas of smooth, even tones; and detailed textures. Experiment with adding subtle color. These techniques work on paper, vellum and film. We will share some specialized supplies in class, and hand out individual goody bags of specialty supplies to try during the workshop and then take home (powdered graphite, water-soluble graphite, samples of interesting surfaces and more!). Beginners, intermediate and advanced artists are all welcome.
Supply list:
- Water soluble pencils: Derwent Inktense recommended colors: 720 Thistle, 730 Dusky purple, 740 Mauve, 760 Deep Violet, 800 Violet, 700 Fuchsia, 1550 spring Green, 1560 Fern, 1540 Light Olive, 210 Cadmium Yellow, 230 Golden yellow, 2010 Sepia Ink, 1730 Oak, 1740 Saddle Brown, 400 Poppy Red, 600 Shiraz, 1000 Bright blue or Faber castell Durer similar colors, or other brand/colors you like
- Wax or Oil based colored pencils: Prismacolor, Polychromos, or other preferred brand
- Small round watercolor brush, such as #4 or 6, your preferred brush
- Paper: hot press watercolor, or Stonehenge or multi-media
- Drawing paper: sketchbook or any drawing paper, 8” x 10” or 9” x 12”; this is for preliminary work
- Sharpener: I use Carl Angel-5, and Kum automatic long point
- Erasers: I like Vanish white and Tombow Mono Zero
- Blenders: I use Finesse pen and colorless blender pencils

ASBA 2024 - Clair Gaston - Explore Using Water Soluble Pencils for Intensity and Impact
Shop Supplies for this Class:
Explore Using Water Soluble Pencils for Intensity and Impact with Clair Gaston
The world of graphite continues to expand! This workshop explores a variety of applications with traditional pencils as well as with new graphite media, including water-soluble graphite, graphite dust, liquid graphite and interesting papers/surfaces! Using Fall botanicals as subjects, learn how to create deep ranges of tonal values; white or light veins and hairs on dark petals and leaves; large areas of smooth, even tones; and detailed textures. Experiment with adding subtle color. These techniques work on paper, vellum and film. We will share some specialized supplies in class, and hand out individual goody bags of specialty supplies to try during the workshop and then take home (powdered graphite, water-soluble graphite, samples of interesting surfaces and more!). Beginners, intermediate and advanced artists are all welcome.
Supply list:
- Water soluble pencils: Derwent Inktense recommended colors: 720 Thistle, 730 Dusky purple, 740 Mauve, 760 Deep Violet, 800 Violet, 700 Fuchsia, 1550 spring Green, 1560 Fern, 1540 Light Olive, 210 Cadmium Yellow, 230 Golden yellow, 2010 Sepia Ink, 1730 Oak, 1740 Saddle Brown, 400 Poppy Red, 600 Shiraz, 1000 Bright blue or Faber castell Durer similar colors, or other brand/colors you like
- Wax or Oil based colored pencils: Prismacolor, Polychromos, or other preferred brand
- Small round watercolor brush, such as #4 or 6, your preferred brush
- Paper: hot press watercolor, or Stonehenge or multi-media
- Drawing paper: sketchbook or any drawing paper, 8” x 10” or 9” x 12”; this is for preliminary work
- Sharpener: I use Carl Angel-5, and Kum automatic long point
- Erasers: I like Vanish white and Tombow Mono Zero
- Blenders: I use Finesse pen and colorless blender pencils