Reggie Ezell - Drawn Romans
Session 1:
We will organize the letters in mono-line (skeletal forms) into four different families, in order to learn their proportions.
We will understand the different characteristics of the gradations of leads we will want to use at the various stages of drawing and refining these forms.
Session 2:
We will begin drawing the letters that are only verticals and horizontals ( I, L, F, E, T, H ). We will then move on to diagonal letters ( A, V, N, M, W, V, K, X, Y, Z ) which require significant adaptations in order to work structurally. Lastly, we will make the curved letters ( P, R, B, D, J, U, C, G, O, Q, S ).
We will use a 2H mechanical pencil (lead holder) on grid made for calligraphy. Students will begin to learn how to self correct and positively critique their work.
Session 3:
We will spend in depth time building the skills to touch up and refine these initial letters in order to create a finished alphabet. A short, simple quote will be assigned. Students will continue to learn how to self correct and positively critique their work.
Session 4:
Students will do a small, short finished piece. Emphasis on developing spacing will begin. Lettering on good calligraphy papers will become a priority. We will review all questions of letterforms and materials and refine their uses. Students will independently be able to self correct and positively critique their work.
Materials list
- 11 x 17 grid pad made for calligraphy
- Pentel Color Brush Black
- pencil
- sharpener
- white vinyl eraser
- ruler: 18 or longer