McCafferys ink is an iron gall ink specially designed for use with pointed pens. Developed by Neil McCaffery in the early 2000s, this ink is handmade with natural materials and designed to emulate deep rich shades associated with the American Golden Age of Ornamental Penmanship. No other ink is capable of creating paper-thin hairlines like McCafferys.
Neil McCaffery makes, bottles, and labels every jar of ink himself. Before his inks came onto the market, there were none like it available in the United States. Thanks to Neil, calligraphers interested in traditional Copperplate and Spencerian hands are able to create delicate, beautiful work.
Neil McCaffery makes, bottles, and labels every jar of ink himself. Before his inks came onto the market, there were none like it available in the United States. Thanks to Neil, calligraphers interested in traditional Copperplate and Spencerian hands are able to create delicate, beautiful work.