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Posted by Sarah @ PIA on Jan 18th 2023

In an perfect world, all nibs would be exactly the same size and glide smoothy into the brass flanges of any oblique penholder. However, with crowquills, tiny nibs, and large nibs like the Hunt 513EF on the market, this is not the case. There are few things more frustrating than ordering a new nib and getting excited about the prospect of trying it out, only to find that it won’t fit into any of your favorite penholders. Thankfully, adj… Read more

Posted by Sarah @ PIA on Jan 17th 2023

Hi All! My name is Sophie Taylor and I am the artist behind @taylor_design_studio. I'm a long time fan of @paperandinkarts, so it's a treat to be writing this blog post. I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself for those who might not know me. I'm a California native and live on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. I've been a crafter for as long as I can remember, but when I took my first lettering course back in 2018, it change… Read more