An oblique cut broad-edge nib that is extremely sharp and features a bronze finish. More rigid than Mitchells, but not as stiff as Brause. Ornamental right-handed with top loading reservoir.
This set includes one each of the following sizes: 0.5mm, 1mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3.0mm, and 4.0mm.
An oblique cut broad-edge nib that is extremely sharp and features a bronze finish. More rigid than Mitchells, but not as stiff as Brause. Ornamental right-handed with top loading reservoir.
This set includes one each of the following sizes: 0.5mm, 1mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3.0mm, and 4.0mm.
Compatibility | Standard Holders, Adjustable Holders |
Skill Level | Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced |
Just to add to Tumble's review, I also started calligraphy (Old English style text) with the Speedball C nibs. The C nibs tend to scratch A LOT for me (just as Tumble stated) and are a bit difficult for me to use. I bought several of each of the broad edged nibs from this website, just so I could see which broad edge nibs would work best for me * Michell Roundhand Square Nibs * Tachikawa C Nibs * Tape Nibs * Brause C Nibs The Tape and Brause Nibs are by far the best in my opinion. They make crisp lines and write smoothly on the paper. Like Tumble said, I like that the reservoirs can detach for cleaning. I did not like the Michell nibs. I couldn't get them to work at all with the reservoirs and could barely get a single letter finished without the reservoirs. Sometimes the reservoirs would even bend the tines on the nib. Anyway, I thought maybe I didn't get the coating off properly but I scrubbed them multiple times with a toothbrush and toothpaste with the same result. I also didn't have any luck with the Tachikawa C Nib (I only bought the 2mm one because they cost more). I couldn't really get it to write well but maybe I'm using it wrong. I've been using Winsor and Newton calligraphy ink and writing on HP Premium 32 paper
Just to add to Tumble's review, I also started calligraphy (Old English style text) with the Speedball C nibs. The C nibs tend to scratch A LOT for me (just as Tumble stated) and are a bit difficult for me to use. I bought several of each of the broad edged nibs from this website, just so I could see which broad edge nibs would work best for me * Michell Roundhand Square Nibs * Tachikawa C Nibs * Tape Nibs * Brause C Nibs The Tape and Brause Nibs are by far the best in my opinion. They make crisp lines and write smoothly on the paper. Like Tumble said, I like that the reservoirs can detach for cleaning. I did not like the Michell nibs. I couldn't get them to work at all with the reservoirs and could barely get a single letter finished without the reservoirs. Sometimes the reservoirs would even bend the tines on the nib. Anyway, I thought maybe I didn't get the coating off properly but I scrubbed them multiple times with a toothbrush and toothpaste with the same result. I also didn't have any luck with the Tachikawa C Nib (I only bought the 2mm one because they cost more). I couldn't really get it to write well but maybe I'm using it wrong. I've been using Winsor and Newton calligraphy ink and writing on HP Premium 32 paper
I started teaching myself calligraphy on Speedball C nibs and finally decided to branch out and try other wedge-tip nibs to see how they compare. I love Speedball, but the more I used them, the more I found myself noticing little things I didn’t enjoy as much about them. For instance: the frequency of clogs and the difficulty in getting ink to flow. I found myself tearing up the surface of my paper more than I wanted, as well as dealing with blots that wasted my precious ink. Nothing to any major degree of problem, but minor annoyances for sure. I wanted to see how other nibs compare and if I really noticed any differences between brands. These nibs are a great improvement! I absolutely love all the sizing options (particularly the many smaller ones) and how they come apart in two separate pieces, making them easier to clean/unclog (truthfully, I am uncertain if that is the actual reason they come apart, but that is definitely something I appreciate that feature for). Ink seems to flow much more smoothly from these nibs, which I believe leads to less frequent need to re-dip. I can also get crisper, finer lines with these and am able to write with the thin sides, rather than just using the wedge all the time. I also bought a set of Brause nibs and found them almost identical to these. Both sets are great and I definitely recommend!